
A step by step approach to reducing the impact of poverty and health inequalities for families in the homeless journey.

The challenge

Child poverty rates have been on the rise.

It has been shown that for each individual family or single parent, the addition of a new baby to the home is a major contributing factor to facing poverty.

It is often the small things that without, can induce stress and worry for parents, in turn, impacting both the parents and child/children’s wellbeing, both physically and mentally.

Shared Health’s The Crib steps in at this point to mitigate the resource pressure and provide wrap-around holistic care for families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Learn more about The Crib at



The Crib provides homeless families with the means of finding support and additional resources to help them through to the next stage of their family life.

We provide care packages that include items new parents need after the birth of a child such as: hygiene supplies, nappies, toiletries as well as non-electric equipment (Moses baskets, breast pumps, sterilisers), when required.

Our service is very practical, we strive to be holistic in our support, and work with partners that are connected in the community and may be able to offer additional support for families.


Connected to a doctor’s practice, we are able to provide a seamless link to all the interventions primary care has to offer.

Additionally, we provide workshops (led by us or our community partners) on all things health; health literacy, mental wellbeing, oral health, sexual health, nutrition and weaning.

We are currently accepting referrals from health professionals - please use this link to refer a family.

A Note About Donations: 

We are always on the lookout for corporate donations of hygiene products, toiletries and nappies. All baby hygiene essentials and toiletries for mums must be unused and sealed.

For a full list of items we need click here.

Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to accept donations from individuals.

Portrait of a smiling cute toddler

Get in touch with the crib

The Crib @ John Street
07487 506 192

The Crib @ Adelaide Street
07734 456 740

Visit our website here.
Like us on Facebook here.
Follow us on Instagram here.