Doctors in Deprivation Training – Deep End GM


“It’s shocking, and it should be”

Good health should be shared with all. It should not be damaged by social or economic disadvantage.

Alongside colleagues from Deep End GM, Shared Health Foundation hosted a day of clinical training for GPs in Greater Manchester working in the Deep End of medicine at our annual Doctors in Deprivation Training Day.

It was a day of laughter, tears, challenge and most of all encouragement to keep going.

I feel like I’ve spent half a day in Disneyland, and the other half in a puppy graveyard” states journalist Jessica Bradley who attended the conference and has written her reflections on the conference and the GP Training Scheme run by Shared Health.

The video recordings of all the talks can be found on our Youtube channel, please do watch and share with your colleagues.

We are proud to be part of the Deep End Network and look forward to hosting more gatherings to look at the impact of poverty on health in our communities.

For more information about Shared Health please email

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